Monday, May 21, 2012

Watercolor card-May21

The card I made to say Thank you to someone special. I used Derwent Inktense, watercolor paper, and a stamp from Hampton Art by Judy Melvin:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Water color page-May 8, 2012

I am having so much! I am taking two online art classes. One is Suzi Blu's Petites Academy-learning how to draw those cute little girls, I call them paperdolls, and put them into a background.  The other class is Traci Bautista class to go along with her new book Doodles Unleashed. I love to zentangle and doodle so thought this would be right up alley. Right now in both classes we are practicing and more practicing.
Well I was suppose to be working on my classes but those new watercolor pencils and watercolor tubes were calling my name plus I had just finish watching an inspiration Wednesday with Donna Downey on the YouTube. I didn't have the stamps so I just drew my own. Here is the page I did in my journal: